Blooms of the Week – Lu Diamond

This bouquet was seriously heavy, once it was bound and tied with the elegant silk and willow ribbon I panicked for 5 minutes “essshhhh it’s too big” then I remembered that generally all my brides request a massive explosion of flowers, which is what always wants aim to create.

Blooms of the week – Zoe Field

“Seasonal flowers are at the heart of all of my designs. Being a flower grower I always want to reflect what is happening in the field. Autumn has to be one of my favourite seasons, the last hurrah before the bite of winter sets in. The garden puts on its final display, with cooler days … Read more

Blooms of the week – Lu Diamond

I have been growing zinnias in the garden this year, with the intention of using them as pretty details in my bridal bouquets. But once they were in full bloom, thriving and showing off in the garden I had an extremely hard time cutting them, which resulted in me still ordering bunches as I loved … Read more

Blooms of the Week

Categories: Flora + Styling, Inspiration-Blooms of the Week

These opium poppies are killer! They’re a really premium type of poppy. Known around the world for… other purposes… but you can’t deny their flamboyant, striking beauty!